How to breastfeed in public?
Breastfeeding in public must rhyme with pleasure
Maternity is a unique moment in the world that fills pregnant women with joy, impatience and enthusiasm!
Through nausea, insatiable hunger, insomnia and a subscription to the "wee room", the birth of an infant is a source of intense emotions and brings immense and immeasurable happiness to the parents; but also some doubts and apprehensions vis-à-vis certain subjects such as the major stages of the development of his child!
However, there is one thing that no woman pregnant for the first time in her life would have considered: the apprehension of breastfeeding in public . In other words, breastfeeding outside , on the bus, in a restaurant, with friends or family nearby, for example.
This subject is also currently at the heart of the news and has been debated since a young mother from Bordeaux was allegedly slapped by a person who did not tolerate her breastfeeding her baby in plain sight.
The benefits of breastfeeding
Promulgated and acclaimed by all maternity professionals as well as by the WHO (World Health Organization), breastfeeding offers many benefits and benefits for newborns and much more!While creating a unique bond between mother and child, breastfeeding soothes infants and secures them while nourishing them.

Sucking on her mother's breasts is THE first oral contact an infant has with the outside world. Knowing that children first discover their environment through their mouth (the so-called "buccal" phase which can persist until the age of two; see three years of a young child); breastfeeding is a real point of reference, a source of comfort and satiety.
While industrial milk always retains the same properties, breast milk changes throughout the day and even during breastfeeding. It satisfies very specifically the nutritional needs of the baby and brings benefits in the short term but also in the medium and long term.
Is it illegal to breastfeed in public?
In France, we face a vagueness and a total legal vacuum in terms of breastfeeding in a public space .
For most people, the fact of seeing a mother breastfeeding her child does not pose any problem and seems to be a most natural and totally innate fact!
Breastfeeding your baby in public is not against the law. But it is a question that is debated, because breastfeeding in public is neither prohibited nor authorized by French law.
It is the deputy of Val-d'Oise Mrs. Fionna LAZAAR, who tabled on June 15 of the year 2021, a bill with the National Assembly which proposes to explicitly authorize the breastfeeding of a child. in a public place, as well as the establishment of sanctions if hindrance to this innate right is found and proven!
In this image, his bill proposes two measures:
- A fine of 1500 euros will be intended for anyone who prohibits a woman from being able to breastfeed in public .
- Proclaim breastfeeding in public as a natural thing and not an act of sexual exhibitionism.
The National Assembly should quickly promulgate this law in order to complete the one and only current mention which deals with breastfeeding to allow it in the workplace.
Breastfeeding, facing the gaze of others
From the point of view of mothers, even if a woman breastfeeds her child in public , it is a moment of intimacy that she usually shares with her child without an audience around.
Thus, it is not always very pleasant to feel that one is in the way and that one is not welcome when one is just trying to satisfy the hunger of one's little cherub...
This feeling of not being welcome can very quickly be a source of anxiety for a mother, which her baby will inevitably and inevitably feel!
Indeed, children are real emotional sponges and the moment of breastfeeding can be compromised and disturbed, whereas it is supposed to be a moment of sweetness, emotional security, comfort and satiety!
From the point of view of passers-by, witnessing breastfeeding in progress without knowing the person can cause discomfort because a woman's breasts are an area considered erogenous and part of female intimacy.
Breastfeeding in public: How to avoid the gaze of others :-D
These two points of view both understand each other, however, some people know how to keep their thoughts to themselves while others do not.
And it is a valid fact for everyone: the weight of words can leave scars or create them depending on the sensitivities and individual flaws specific to a person.
It is therefore necessary, in this type of situation, to make prevail the common sense and the courtesy rather than his emotions!
For example, a woman wandering naked or topless in the middle of the street will be arrested by the police for exhibitionism.
Conversely, a woman breastfeeding her child is simply responding to her infant's primary and innate need for nourishment.
You can imagine that a young child who is hungry will only stop crying when his thirst is quenched!
How to breastfeed in public?
Being able to breastfeed your child in public should not be a headache for a mother, nor a source of anxiety!
This is why many brands have created clothes for discreet breastfeeding .
Here are some tips and examples of clothes that can help you during your pregnancy and your first steps into motherhood; so that the hazards that come your way are brushed aside.
Breastfeeding clothes
Nursing bras.
Designed to open the cup easily so that your child can latch on well and breastfeed properly. These bras are equipped with clips on the stays which allow you to open and close and thus breastfeed your child without having to remove or lift your bra.
In addition, know that they are studied and reinforced with wider strips of fabric to provide more support and support for your breasts which gain weight and volume during breastfeeding.
The breastfeeding t-shirt
It is the most essential garment for a mother who wishes to breastfeed discreetly in public spaces.
Composed of a soft and elastic material in cotton and elastane, our t-shirts combine the pleasure of offering a feeding easily to your little angel while remaining at the forefront of fashion!
Available in different styles and colours, they all have discreet, resealable openings for easy breastfeeding without passersby noticing.
Childcare accessories
the sling wrap
The sling is a great accessory to help you carry your baby while breastfeeding .
Organic cotton sling - June 22
We offer a range of practical and quick to put on baby carriers. Available in certified organic cotton, linen or velvet, our slings are available in trendy and refined collections that meet the needs of parents and babies.
the diaper
At the heart of a public space, sensory stimulation is going well!
We don't even pay attention to it anymore, but that's not the case with newborns. Indeed, public spaces are certainly a source of stimulation and experimentation for a child aged a few months. It is also an environment that is unknown to them and potentially a factor of anxiety.
Thus, in order to breastfeed your child in ideal conditions so that he feels comfortable while hiding your chest, the swaddle is a simple and effective solution. Coming in the form of a large rectangular fabric in cotton and soft to the touch, swaddles are essential for the maternity suitcase.
In addition to hiding you if you breastfeed in public , they will be used to wipe away any regurgitation.
Moms or future moms, don't worry about breastfeeding in public. With nursing clothes, a sling and a swaddle, you can breastfeed serenely without fear of the gaze of passers-by.