I think it's also my role as an entrepreneur to help when I can.

Some time ago I was contacted by Marion, a nurse for 4 years who works in a hospital environment with children and who was looking for physiological means of carrying to help her with her daily work.

Hello Marion, can you tell us where you practice today, I know it's an individual?

I currently work in a rehabilitation center for toddlers which welcomes infants and young children under the age of 6 with motor disorders of neurological, orthopedic or malformative origin . It is also associated with oncology care for stays between rehabilitation treatments.

How did you get the idea to contact June 22?

I learned about June 22 through Instagram.
Working with sick children, it was essential for me to have quality physiological baby carriers that meet certain European standards .
The safety, the method of use, the place of manufacture as well as the maintenance because the rules of hygiene in a hospital environment are very strict and June 22, was the only one to meet all my requirements for professional use.

I also wanted to be able to present to interested families baby carriers without knots that are easy to use and affordable.

Can you tell us a bit about your daily life with these children?

Working at night in pairs with a childcare assistant colleague for 17 children, we found ourselves in great difficulty in September 2018 with the arrival of 4 babies hospitalized without their parents at the same time.
Her children were alone and had experienced an early and violent separation from their parents .
We very quickly felt powerless in the face of their requests for mothering.
We therefore had to find a solution to provide medical care while meeting the needs of these babies.
In addition, babies hospitalized alone need special attention, they are in dire need of being protected, reassured, mothered and all of these go through babywearing.

What do you like about porting? What benefits have you seen?

What I like about babywearing is being able to combine the practical and emotional side. We were able to create a special relationship with each baby.
As falling asleep is often a source of anxiety in babies hospitalized alone, we have been able to observe that a child being carried promotes better quality sleep (deeper and longer sleep). Babywearing has also allowed us to reduce crying and agitation and thus create a calm and reassuring climate for all the children in the centre.

The portage was very beneficial for all the staff because it allowed us to work in better conditions.
We also used the portage a lot to replace the strollers because it was much less cumbersome for us and more suitable for exploring the environment.

Do you think babywearing is well enough known among health professionals?

On a professional level I find that babywearing is still too little known, I think it should be used as a work tool as naturally as we would use deckchairs, strollers...

All professionals should be trained and this from their studies would make it possible to trivialize babywearing but also to introduce it to parents.
Thanks to Audrey, now we are lucky to be equipped, it makes the care of my patients so much easier that I couldn't live without it!

Thanks again for everything Audrey.

April 18, 2019 — audrey timbert kiavué

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