Portage Facing the World: Caution Danger!
You've probably seen a baby carrier that allows forward facing and wondering if this mode of carrying is a good idea for you and your child? We will detail in this article the pros and cons of babywearing in the face of the world .
What is world facing?
Face-to-the-world babywearing involves having a front-facing baby carrier with your child's back against your belly. It is also less commonly called the forward-facing carry .
Is a baby carrier facing the world physiological?
Physiological carrying
As a reminder, here are the points to be validated by a baby carrier so that it is physiological:
• The limbs are flexed and grouped towards the center of the body
• The knees are at the height of the navel
• The pelvis is tilted forward
• The lower back is round
• The position of the head is in the axis of the column
• The head is not tilted too much (you can pass 2 fingers under his chin)
• The ankles are in the same axis as his tibias and femurs
• Before 3-4 months, the distance between the knees is equal to the width of the pelvis
• After 3-4 months, the knee gap may be wider
Here is a complete article on the risks of non-physiological carrying .
Is carrying facing the road physiological?
This is a debate that has animated the web and social networks for several years. There are still 10 years, all the actors of babywearing (enlightened carrier parents, babywearing instructors, specialized retailers) were categorical on the fact that babywearing facing the world is not physiological.
Since then, major brands that have felt the vein have developed all-in-one baby carriers "adapted" to carrying in front of the world :
- Ergobaby Omni 360
- Tula explores
The Ergobaby model has even been certified by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute . The brand supports the fact that the baby's legs are in the M position. But you can see on the baby carrier facing the world below that the position of the legs with the knees at the level of the navel of the child is not not respected.
Even if efforts are made to maintain the legs, the head is not maintained, the pelvis is not tilted forward and the back is not round. This is why the manufacturer recommends using this baby carrier facing the world between the 5 months and the 12 months of the child, and on an ad hoc basis.
The wrap facing the world
There are knots to carry baby in a sling facing the world. Here is an example.
Why shouldn't you use a baby carrier facing the world
1. Doesn't support your baby's legs
As explained above, your baby's upper legs should be pulled up to at least hip level, if not more. This is only possible if the fabric of the baby carrier covers the entire back of the thigh to the back of the knee. Possibly if the baby carrier has an adjustable seat or if the baby carrier is equipped with footrests.2. Makes carrying your baby difficult
It's much harder to wear something that pulls away from your body than something that embraces it. With a forward -facing carrier, the carrier often ends up arching their back to compensate for the weight of limbs dangling forward.
3. Baby is in a hunched back position which puts pressure on his spine.
Back extension (like stretching out after a nap) isn't inherently bad. The problem arises when you compress a "hollow back" under a load. Since he has nothing to hold on to, his abdominal muscles are weak and his shoulders are retracted, the infant's pelvis tilts backwards. It must not only support the weight of its own body, but also cushion the force of every step of the wearer, all on its small spine.4. Puts uncomfortable pressure on the crotch and can irritate your baby's inner thighs.
Chafing is not funny. Hanging by their most sensitive parts is not ideal for babies, especially little boys.
5. Risk of overstimulating your baby
"Facing the world, the child will undergo all the stimuli. If he is frightened, tired, worried, bored, he will have no way of retreating. He will have to continue to undergo this intense stimulation of all his senses, without being able to change anything. If he is tired, he will not be able to gradually cut himself off from this stimulation, disregard all that. He will not see the face of his wearer.
Facing his wearer, the child can snuggle up against him if he feels the need. A fright, he will cling to the wearer, can turn his face so as not to see what will have caused this fear but rather take refuge in a familiar, reassuring vision that is his wearer. Tired, weary of all these stimuli, he will have the choice and the possibility of "cutting himself off from the world" by burying his face against his wearer. He can then ignore his environment.
Excerpt from this article on babywearing facing the world
6. It does not support the head or neck.
When a baby drifts off to sleep, their neck and head need support. When a baby faces the wearer, it naturally leans against their chest. If wearing a sling or baby carrier, the wearer can further support their little one's heavy head by tucking it partially under the fabric or by using a hood. Positional asphyxia is also worth mentioning. It can happen when babies have no control over their neck and their chin droops towards their chest.
Small babies should never be placed in a position that may compromise their airways. It's hard to keep an eye on your child's airways when he's out in front of the world.
7. Makes Thermoregulation More Difficult
The fetal position a baby adopts on the mother's chest when facing her is more effective at retaining heat than when the chest is exposed. The baby also has more fat (insulating) cells on its back side than on its front side. For those who might say "but I'm already hot when I carry my baby", there is a study that shows that mother's breasts also cool babies!8. It's harder to respond to baby's cues.
Without eye contact, it is more difficult to communicate with your baby, check his airways, see his spit up, and understand his needs.9. Shifts baby's center of gravity
Most often, the wearer intuitively stretches his index fingers so that the baby clings to them and stabilizes himself, or he tries to support the baby's legs, lifting them in front. Without a seat and nothing to hold on to in front of him, it is difficult for the baby not to arch his back under the weight of his own body.Conclusion
I cannot afford to recommend face-to-face babywearing to you, except as extra babywearing, when baby is developed and muscular enough to sit up.
If you want to wear your child safely with a physiological baby carrier, you can discover the Easy-Baby baby carrier by clicking here .