Carrying a newborn baby in a sling
Are you pregnant or have you just given birth and are you wondering if carrying a sling is suitable for a newborn?
First of all congratulations!
Through this article you will discover everything you need to know about carrying a newborn in a sling .
Is the sling carrier suitable for newborns?
I'm not going to go there by 4 paths, it all depends on the brand and model you want to use. At June 22, for example, all our slings are suitable from birth. It is still important to note that European standards set the minimum weight of a baby at 3.5 kg.
In the case of a premature newborn, I recommend that you seek advice from your healthcare professional or a carrying specialist before carrying your child in a sling.
How to properly install the sling to carry your newborn?
Before starting the installation of the sling, make sure that baby is not wearing footed pajamas which will interfere with the physiological position by compressing his toes.
To set up the sling, pass the end of the fabric through the two rings, making sure that the fabric is well extended over its entire width.
Then place the sling on the shoulder of your choice by placing the rings on the front of your shoulder. Adjust the length of the top and bottom of the pocket with your forearm as a guide.
The fabric of the sling must be well positioned in your back without turning on itself.
Newborn sling carry
Once your baby carrier is put on, here is the position your newborn should have in the sling for a physiological portage :
When carrying your newborn in the sling for the first time, you may not be very reassured. Do not hesitate to get help from your companion, or from a loved one who is already used to carrying a sling.
Here are the steps to carry your newborn in a June 22 sling:
Tip: to make the adjustment easier, support baby by the base before pulling on the section of fabric that protrudes from the rings. This will reduce the tension.
The back of the newborn must be rounded during the portage in sling
One of the fundamental principles of physiological carrying is the position of your newborn's back, which must be rounded. Here is a technique to ensure the correct position of his back.
The newborn's head must be maintained when carrying in a sling
Until around 6 months old, your newborn won't have enough muscle in his back and shoulders to support his head. It is therefore essential that it is well maintained by the baby carrier that you are going to use.
Here is a trick to create additional head support with the fabric end of the sling.
The last vital point when it comes to carrying a newborn concerns his breathing. Your baby must absolutely have the airways (nose plus mouth) clear and visible to avoid any risk of suffocation. His face should be on one side and you should be able to fit two fingers under his chin to make sure he doesn't have his head down too low.
Where can I find a sling to carry my newborn?
At June 22 you will find a large selection of slings made from organic cotton or velvet to carry your infant from birth and up to 10kg.