Sling and breastfeeding – How to breastfeed in a sling?
Using a sling can improve your breastfeeding
- In your sling, you can easily notice your baby's first signs of hunger and feed him before he gets "distressed". Your baby will start to turn his head from side to side, open his mouth and seek out your breast when he's hungry. When baby starts showing you these signs, it's hard to miss them.
- Studies have found that mothers who carried their babies or had physical contact with them before feeding fed them more frequently and were more likely to respond more quickly to hunger cues. The proximity of the carry makes it easy to learn baby signals and breastfeed quickly while keeping your child in the sling.
- Other studies report that skin-to-skin improves breastfeeding success and infant weight gain. I therefore recommend that you use your June-22 sling to do skin-to-skin regularly at home.
- It becomes very easy to breastfeed discreetly when it comes to breastfeeding in public .
Become a sling and breastfeeding expert before combining breastfeeding in a sling
I recommend that you master sling babywearing and learn how to breastfeed separately before you sling breastfeed . The leche league and International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) confirm this point: "I always share with my clients that breastfeeding and babywearing are separate skills. Once a mother is at comfortable with both, a sling is an excellent tool for combining babywearing and breastfeeding thanks to its versatility".Take your baby out of the sling to breastfeed
If you are not yet ready to combine breastfeeding and carrying in a sling , the easiest way is to take your child out of the baby carrier to breastfeed . It can also be enjoyable even if you are completely comfortable with breastfeeding and babywearing . You can leave the sling in place while you feed baby, and use it as a nursing swaddle if you wish.Breastfeed baby vertically in the sling
Photo of @chamercurio in sling June 22 Nude
It can be very effective to keep the baby in an upright position, chest to chest, while breastfeeding. Indeed, breastfeeding in an upright position in a sling can mimic the position of the "koala" or the breastfeeding position lying down. This is an advantage, because the baby is held close to mum's body thanks to the sling, pressing the hips, ribs and feet against the body without any space. These are the "pressure points" on the baby's body and when they come into contact with the adult's body, they trigger the breast-seeking behavior. This position also gives the parent more control over whether to hold the breast while breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding in a sling in the Madonna position

Photo of @minichou-family in sling June 22 Palm Sensation
You can also breastfeed in a sling in the Madonna position. That is to say in a horizontal position. For parents breastfeeding in this position, the carrier can support and wrap baby. The sling molds to the baby's body and is a beneficial support for breastfeeding and babywearing. Mom simply lifts the rings to loosen the fabric and put baby in position. Once baby is latched on, the sling can be tightened again to mold around baby and remove most of the weight from mom's arms.
Sling Breastfeeding Tutorial
This video produced by a babywearing instructor "" shows how to breastfeed in a sling in the madonna position and in the vertical position.
Both sling positions are wonderful for breastfeeding
Both the upright position and the Madonna position are wonderful for sling breastfeeding . Both positions have advantages and you will probably find that you or your baby prefer one or the other. If you try one position and it doesn't work for you, try the other. You can also ask your babywearing instructor for help, or your lactation consultant for breastfeeding.Important Positioning Tips
- Always keep the baby's face and head visible.
- Do not cover the baby's head with fabric, either the piece of fabric that protrudes from the rings or the fabric at the top edge of the sling.
- Remember to keep the baby's chin away from their chest. You should be able to place a finger under the child's chin.
- Make sure there is fabric between you and baby, to create a pocket for him to rest in.
Important advice for breastfeeding
Use your hands to support your baby's upper back and neck, but don't put your hand on the back of his head. The hand support can be placed on the upper back and, if needed, the fingers can be placed behind the baby's ears for extra stability.
Babies are born with the tonic labyrinthine reflex (RTL) and respond to a hand placed on the back of their head by twisting or squeezing it. The pressure on the back of the head can make it difficult for the baby to latch on as he leans back away from the breast.
Be aware of this when putting the baby to the breast or when pulling the carrier behind his head.
The most important step when breastfeeding in a sling
The most important step in sling breastfeeding (whether you're breastfeeding in a madonna or upright position) is lifting your baby up after breastfeeding.
Never leave your baby in the same position after breastfeeding in a baby carrier . Always get into the habit of lifting your baby up so that her head rests above your chest. Then tighten the carrier so that the baby is snug and supported again.
Install baby in the initial position, tight and supported:
- Lean slightly forward (supporting baby's head and back).
- Bring the baby back to its original position, with the head resting on the flat part of your chest, just below your collarbone.
- Tighten the baby carrier around him.
Checklist for a good carrying position after breastfeeding
- Two fingers should fit under the baby's chin - this protects the baby's airway.
- Baby's face should always be visible, even while breastfeeding.
- The baby must be well supported and tight, both during breastfeeding and once raised in its initial position.
- The baby should be close enough to kiss (the head on the flat part of your chest, just below the collarbones) when you picked him up after feeding him.
The best sling for breastfeeding?
I can only recommend our simple and trendy June 22 slings!
Our slings are physiological, organic, and wonderful accessories to accompany you throughout your breastfeeding.
Discover our models here: